Ladies of Charity are asked to keep track of their service hours and record them at every meeting. This information becomes part of the annual report to the Central Ladies of Charity office in Kansas City, Missouri.

TO ALL MEMBERS: Some new ideas and some old:

  1. Feed the hungry
    When you cook, cook a double recipe to freeze and bring to a friend in need.  When you see canned fruit or veggies on sale buy a few extra for distribution to those in need.
  2. Give drink to the thirsty
    Have bottled water in your car and give one to the people asking for donations in the parking lots.
  3. Help our Homeless Brothers and Sisters
    Volunteer at the Fr. Virgil Cordano Center, a collaborative outreach to the homeless sponsored by the Daughters of Charity at St. Vincent’s and the Franciscan Friars at Old Mission Santa Barbara.
  4. Donate personal items to the Santa Barbara Rescue Mission.
  5. Visit the sick
    Spend some time with friends or Residents in need of a friendly visit at Nursing Homes in the area.
  6. Visit the prisoners
    Pray for prisoners and their families
  7. Make Rosary’s for the poor.
  8. Bring books to the Early Childhood Education Center.
  9. Give alms to the poor

Other Suggestions

Volunteer at Fr. Virgil Cordano Center

Volunteer at St. Vincent’s by serving in:

Aging Well Program

Help with Special Events